Selection Competition of Classical Dressage Young Horses 2015

The breeders and Owners Association of Menorca Horses has organised a Selection  Competition of Classical Dressage Young Horses. It took place the 11th and 12th of July 2015 in the Club Hípic Ciutadella sport facilities, (Menorca). This competition is included in the qualification phase of this kind of official output controls.

Horses among 4 and 6 years old, registered in any Stud-Book in Spain, can take part in this competitions. And they are grouped by section according to the age. The participation in this meeting has been substantial compared to previous years. A total of 15 horses were registered: 11 Menorca Horses and 4 Spanish Horses.

The two participations that make up the two day competition were lucky with the weather. All the horses fully passed the minimums established in this kind of competition. The final classification was the following:

Category Age 4: The first classified was Bon Somni GSM ridden by Jordi Triay that scored 71,4 points. The second place was for Bruce de Binisafua whose rider was Miki Borràs with 69,1 points. And Binifaell ridden by Sito Giménez got the third classification with a punctuation of 68,2. All of them are Menorca Horses.

Category Age 5: The first classified was Albano ridden by Siscu Marquès that scored 70,6 points. The second place was for Antón GSM whose rider was Jordi Triay with 69 points. And Fer Heleno

ridden by Cristina Torrent got the third classification with a punctuation of 68,2. The two first classified are Menorca Horses and the third a Spanish Horse.

Category Age 6: It only registered two horses, and just one took part on the two participations. It was Zar Menorquí ridden by Joan Pons and it got 64,9 points.

The Association wants to thank to the horses’ owners and riders their interest and collaboration on the development of the competition and contribution to the Breeding Program. As well as to the Club Hípic Ciutadella that collaborated coordinating the competition.

Siscu Marques_5    Joan Pons_6Jordi Triay_4

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