Bartolomé Martí Pons is, nowadays, the most ancient active breeder of the Official Studbook of the Purebred Menorca Horse. Tomeu, as he is known, was born in Ferreries in 1944. He spent his youth in the property Santa Ponça in Ferreries. It was then when he discovered his passion for horses. When he married, he became the farmer of Es Barrancó, also settled in Ferreries. He started owning and breeding horses. The first offspring were registered as Spanish Trotting Breeds.
In 1975 he was signed for the first time as breeder at the Official Register of Exploitation and Management Funds of the Services of Horse Breeding and Traces Back, depending on the old Ministry of Defense. In the early 80’s he started breeding Menorca Purebred Horses with a mare called “Florida” (Sire: Leo) and a horse called “Jefe” (Sire: Son Quart). Since then, he has bred more than 50 Menorca Purebred specimens registered at the Studbook. His stockbreeding selection has been looking at “Fiesta horses”. He has looked for strong, rustic and good character animals because he believes these traits are essential for being a good horse. He has been taking part at the local parties in Menorca for 58 years. He has always liked to ride his own specimens bred in his stockbreeding. A brief anecdote highlights he has participated in the 2022 local parties with a great grandson of “Jefe” and “Florida”.