Fira del Camp 2025

The Association of Breeders and Owners of Purebred Menorca Horses reafirms its commitment to the countryside of Menorca by participating in the equestrian show at the 37th Fira del Camp in Alaior, alongside Quadres Siquiat and Club Hípic Sa Creueta.

Evaluation of Breeding Stock in foreign countries 2024

New announcement of evaluation of reproducers, with 3 or more years old, in foreign countries. To request the evaluation of your reproducer, you have to know: Place for the request: Breeders Association (by postal mail or email). Previous payment: to

Breeding stock catalogue 2023

The Association of Breeders and Owners of the Menorca Purebred Horse spreads the Breeding Stock Catalog with the genetic category of the breed of 2023, within the Breeding Program and the Breeding Program Dissemination. The catalog includes all the selection


Evaluation of Breeding Stock in foreign countries 2023

New announcement of evaluation of reproducers, with 3 or more years old, in foreign countries.  To request the evaluation of your reproducer, you have to know: Place for the request: Breeders Association (by postal mail or email). Previous payment: to

Bartolomé Martí Pons, most ancient active breeder


Bartolomé Martí Pons is, nowadays, the most ancient active breeder of the Official Studbook of the Purebred Menorca Horse. Tomeu, as he is known, was born in Ferreries in 1944. He spent his youth in the property Santa Ponça in

Stallions with more offspring registered

The Breeders and Owners Association of Purebred Menorca Horses would like to make a brief historical overview about the stallions with more offspring registered at the Official Stud-Book of the Purebred Menorca Horse, so you can get acquainted with them:

Horse-assisted therapy


Activities with horses, such as horse-assisted therapy or hippo therapy are increasing in recent years as a social participation offer thanks to its many benefits. It becomes an interesting offer to consider, both for its therapy effects as well as

Mendeleo SL, youngest breeding stud


The Mendeleo SL stud, owned by Sebastian Löwinger and Lizz Handschmann, is the youngest breeding stud in 2022. Its breeding objective is focused on maintaining important old genetic lines of the Breed, while making a selection in favor of good

Or de Na Font MM, elite stallion


Or de na Font MM was born in 2001, at the Miquel Morlà Marquès stud farm. It was owned by Pedro Barber Pelegrí in 2014. Its current owner was looking for a good natured animal with quality to be ridden

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