Monthly Archives: December 2014

Agreement to store and guard the genetic material

The general manager of Agrarian productions and markets of the Ministry of Agriculture, Nourishment and Environment, Fernando Miranda, and the president of the Breeders and Owners Association of Menorca Horses, Cristóbal Marqués, signed a collaboration agreement last 4 November. The

Ayuntamiento Es Castell


It is a town with a long tradition, with a defined identity and a heritage built throughout the centuries. The several changes this town has suffered along the years evidences it. It began being called San Felipe, later, during the

Ayuntamiento Es Mercadal


Our municipality is extensive and varied. It comprises two traditional population areas: Es Mercadal, a characteristic inland town nestled at the foot of the Toro Mountain; and Fornells, a charming and colourful fishing village on the seashore. In addition, we

December Public Opening Times

The Breeders and Owners Association of Menorca Horses informs you that our office will remain open to the public. The public opening times will be regular during the December. The office will be closed on holidays and also the afternoons

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