Monthly Archives: July 2015

Vet Training Day for Stud Book


The Breeders and Owners Association of Menorca Horses has hold a training day for new qualified vets on the 22nd of July. It consists on working for the Stud-Book field. Three new more vets will join to the official list

Selection Competition of Classical Dressage Young Horses 2015

Jordi Triay_4

The breeders and Owners Association of Menorca Horses has organised a Selection  Competition of Classical Dressage Young Horses. It took place the 11th and 12th of July 2015 in the Club Hípic Ciutadella sport facilities, (Menorca). This competition is included

New governing board

Since last Friday, 12th of June, the Breeders and Owners Association of Menorca Horses has a new governing board. This is the board of directors for the next four years: President: Antoni Bagur Moll Vice-President: Jaume Villalonga Carreras Second Vice-President:

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