Yearly Archives: 2015

Regular General Assembly

The Breeders and Owners Association of Menorca Horses informs the partners of a Regular General Assembly. It will take place the next 20th of March 2015 in the meeting room of “Sa Roqueta” (Ciutadella de Menorca) at 8 p.m. on

The 2014 Stud Catalogue has been published

The breeding program of the Purebred Menorca Horse has been working since 2008. It includes a set of actions guided to preserve and select the breed. Among these, there is a genetic test of the animals related to the merits

Ranking of the best Purebreed Menorca Horse

It is obtained by the calculation of the average of the marks got in all of the participations. Purebred Menorca Horses in the Island of Menorca. They must have a minimum scoring of the 60% and they must have taken

Web Page Advertising Rates

The Breeders and Owners Association of Menorca Horses offers you the possibility to advertise your business monthly in one of our banners (top or lateral) on our web page. You can also become a collaborating company displaying a brief description

How to fill in the genealogy of the animals registered by way of initial (I.T.I.) in the Foundational Register of the Stud-book?

The Breeders and Owners Association of Menorca Horses has been officially recognised as the entity managing the Stud Book of this Equine Breed from the 1st of January 2008 and by the Resolution of the 18th of December 2007 taken

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