Yearly Archives: 2020

Deadline reminder

The Asociación de Criadores y Propietarios de Caballos de Raza Menorquina remind to the owners of sires and mares that the mating certificates have to be requested within the year of mating of the mare. Remember that it is compulsory

Breeding Stock Catalogue 2020

The Association of Breeders and Owners of the Menorca Purebred Horse spreades the Breeding Stock Catalogue with genetic category of the breed of 2020, within the Breeding Program and the Breeding Program Dissemination. The catalogue includes information for the selection

Deadline reminder

The Asociación de Criadores y Propietarios de Caballos de Raza Menorquina remind to the owners of sires and mares that the request of the registration of a foal in the Studbook is considered out of time after 6 months of

Young Horses Spanish Dressage Championship 2020

The Young horses Spanish Dressage Championship 2020 was hosted in the Hípica Las Cadenas, between the 25th and 27th of September. Participating in it were two Menorca Purebred horses in the category of 4 year old horses with 39 registered participants.




Cazadora hombre


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The Photography Contest 2020 is resumed

The Managing Board has decided to resume the Photography Contest of Menorca Purebred Horses 2020, updating the bases, published previously, with the following information: Deadline for works delivery: Friday 31st July 2020. Release date of winners: Friday 28th August 2020

Fair of Menorca Purebred Horses – Cancelled

Due to the health alert situation we are immersed in and the development of events for the last weeks, that hinder to make a prediction about what can happen for the next months from the health concern, the Managing Board

Consell Insular de Menorca

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Economy and Territory It covers the activity of the Insular Council in relation to the matters of organization and management of the territory, urban planning, habitability, coastline, tourist organization and intervention procedures administrative in matters of activities. It will also manage

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