How to fill in the genealogy of the animals registered by way of initial (I.T.I.) in the Foundational Register of the Stud-book?

The Breeders and Owners Association of Menorca Horses has been officially recognised as the entity managing the Stud Book of this Equine Breed from the 1st of January 2008 and by the Resolution of the 18th of December 2007 taken by the General Administration of Stud.Celeste2_320-214x320

So, according to the zootecnic rules of the breed, a governing committee of the breed was set up in the beginnings of the 2009. One of its functions is to complete the genealogy of the animals of this breed for all the specimens registered by way of initial (I.T.I.) in the Foundational Register of the official Stud Book. The information must be available for the Menorcan stockbreeders due to the awaken interest.

In this sense, the responsible of this task in the committee goes round the farms with higher equestrian tradition in the Menorca Island to collect information as a baseline. Afterwards, several meetings with veteran stockbreeders to contrast the information and complete it to the extent possible before publishing it.

The information offered right after is the result of the data collection transmitted orally by the veteran stockbreeders. It is important to emphasize that the information has not been possible to check objectively. It is because most of the animals of which family tree was completed are found died and there are not biological samples of them. Therefore, this data must be used with caution by the applicants.

To name the animals that were not included in the official Stud Book it has been used its name in case it was known, if not, its role in the genealogy and the name of the farm it was, always after a dash. So, for example, in the case of the animal Grandfather of Terry-Son Arro,the animal has been described according to its role in the family tree (it is the grandfather of Terry) and it is known because it was in the farm Son Arro. And for the animal BrillaRene_2_320nte- Es Barrancó, it was known the name of the horse, Brillante, and the farm it was Es Barrancó. To facilitate the information search, the list appears in alphabetical order according to the name assigned to each animal.

The Committee of the Breed goes on working currently to complete this genealogy. It thanks any collaboration that can provide stockbreeders interested on it. The committee also hopes to update this information periodically.

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